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Tox Target

Mycotoxin Binder for Horses

Mycotoxins are toxic substances produced by moulds on grass, weeds, grain, feeds and hays.  They can create significant challenges to a horse’s health. 

Horses consuming mycotoxins can exhibit a range of symptoms, commonly termed mycotoxicosis.  These include unexplained random spooky behaviour, skin irritation, photosensitivity, head-shaking or flicking, staggers, to gut issues, poor growth, low fertility, immune problems and lack of stamina.

Moulds that invade certain grass species can produce mycotoxins which are particularly toxic to horses.  Key types include black paspalum (ergot mycotoxins), ryegrass, clovers, tall fescue , weeds such as capeweed and other grasses that grow in hot, wet or damp climates. 

Product Information

Mycotoxins are toxic substances produced by moulds on grass, weeds, grain, feeds and hays.  They can create significant challenges to a horse’s health.

Horses consuming mycotoxins can exhibit a range of symptoms, commonly termed mycotoxicosis.  These include unexplained random spooky behaviour, skin irritation, photosensitivity, head-shaking or flicking, staggers, to gut issues, poor growth, low fertility, immune problems and lack of stamina.

Moulds that invade certain grass species can produce mycotoxins which are particularly toxic to horses.  Key types include black paspalum (ergot mycotoxins), ryegrass, clovers, tall fescue , weeds such as capeweed and other grasses that grow in hot, wet or damp climates.

Our Concept for Tox Target

Tox Target contains multiple mycotoxin binders in a concentrated formula designed for an ‘ultra-high level’ binding capacity. The combination of mineral, organic and inorganic binders give Tox-Target a broad-spectrum action to bind many different mycotoxins and allow them to be expelled in the manure, rather than being absorbed by the horse. 

Long term mycotoxin exposure can negatively impact horse health and wellbeing.  Tox Target contains nutrients that help to ‘detoxify’ the liver, kidneys and other organs that may have been affected by ingestion of mycotoxins. 

Tox-Target has been especially researched and tested for horses grazing on pastures that are infected by mycotoxins. Our extensive field trials demonstrated excellent results in helping horses that had showed visible symptoms of mycotoxicosis.  Read our FAQ to find out many of the symptoms that may be associated with mycotoxin problems horses. 

Our Concept for Tox Target

Tox Target contains multiple mycotoxin binders in a concentrated formula designed for an ‘ultra-high level’ binding capacity. The combination of mineral, organic and inorganic binders give Tox-Target a broad-spectrum action to bind many different mycotoxins and allow them to be expelled in the manure, rather than being absorbed by the horse.

Long term mycotoxin exposure can negatively impact horse health and wellbeing.  Tox Target contains nutrients that help to ‘detoxify’ the liver, kidneys and other organs that may have been affected by ingestion of mycotoxins.

Tox-Target has been especially researched and tested for horses grazing on pastures that are infected by mycotoxins. Our extensive field trials demonstrated excellent results in helping horses that had showed visible symptoms of mycotoxicosis.  Read our FAQ to find out many of the symptoms that may be associated with mycotoxin problems horses.

Some Important Signs and Symptoms of Mycotoxin Problems in Horses

Mycotoxins have been implicated in a number of common digestive and neurological conditions in sensitive horses and ponies.  These include:


Very Common Signs

  • Digestive upset, scouring, sensitivity to feeds
  • Random spookiness or unexplained sudden changes in behaviour
  • Skin and coat problems – greasy heel, sunburn, hives and itch
  • Sensitivity to touch, soreness in muscles and body


Serious Problems (consult your vet for advice):

  • Headshaking & head flicking
  • Neurological problems
  • Ryegrass staggers
  • Swollen jaw & lymph nodes
  • Poor appetite, depression, lethargy
  • Uncoordinated movement


Widespread, but Hard to Spot:

  • Poor feed conversion, poor condition
  • Reduced performance, lack of stamina
  • Reduced fertility, increased risk of abortion
  • Poor immune system, immune suppression
Some Important Signs and Symptoms of Mycotoxin Problems in Horses

Mycotoxins have been implicated in a number of common digestive and neurological conditions in sensitive horses and ponies.  These include:


Very Common Signs

  • Digestive upset, scouring, sensitivity to feeds
  • Random spookiness or unexplained sudden changes in behaviour
  • Skin and coat problems – greasy heel, sunburn, hives and itch
  • Sensitivity to touch, soreness in muscles and body


Serious Problems (consult your vet for advice):

  • Headshaking & head flicking
  • Neurological problems
  • Ryegrass staggers
  • Swollen jaw & lymph nodes
  • Poor appetite, depression, lethargy
  • Uncoordinated movement


Widespread, but Hard to Spot:

  • Poor feed conversion, poor condition
  • Reduced performance, lack of stamina
  • Reduced fertility, increased risk of abortion
  • Poor immune system, immune suppression
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Tox-Target is the ultimate mycotoxin binder for horses with a high potency and broad-spectrum action

Which Horses Benefit?
  • Horses showing symptoms of mycotoxin-related problems (mycotoxicosis)
  • Horses grazing in areas with climate variations that encourage mould growth, such as hot, humid, damp or wet seasons
  • Horses exposed to grass species and pastures that are known or linked to mycotoxicosis
  • Horses with known grass-affected allergies, such as ryegrass staggers, skin photosensitivity, persistent sunburn or greasy heel, gut problems or swollen limbs and lymph nodes
  • Horses with liver problems associated with long-term mycotoxin ingestion
  • All horses needing a specific and ‘ultra-high’ capacity mycotoxin binder for health and wellbeing
  • Horses which may be exposed to mycotoxins in the long-term damp period after flooding
Major Ingredients
  • Powerful blend of multiple mycotoxin binders designed to target many classes of both polar and non-polar mycotoxins
  • Includes organic, mineral and inorganic binders for a comprehensive broad spectrum binding effect
  • ‘Ultra-high level’ binding capacity, extensively tested for optimum activity in horses
  • Liver detoxifying formula: includes amino acids, choline and other helpful nutrients
  • Special fibre source which may help to increase dwell time of binders in the digestive system, allowing a longer period of mycotoxin capture
  • Pelleted and highly palatable for easy feeding
Supplementation Guidelines

Each scoopful provides 60 grams of Tox-Target.

It is recommended to split the daily dose of Tox-Target between morning and evening feeds (even a small feed) to help prolong the full daily activity of the supplement for grazing horses.  For donkeys and ponies, use half the below supplementation rates, but the same guidelines to splitting the dose between morning and evening feeds. 


High Risk Supplementation Rate

Provide 120 grams per day, split between morning and evening feeds for horses (400 – 600 kg body weight) with visible symptoms of mycotoxin-related problems, or when grazing grasses or consuming mycotoxin-infected feedstuffs, or in high seasonal mycotoxin load periods.  This supplementation rate may be required long term for severely grass-affected horses in areas with known mycotoxin issues.


Low Risk or Maintenance Supplementation Rate

Provide 60 grams daily (preferably split morning and night) once noticeable mycotoxin-related problems are resolved (maintenance rate), or in lower-risk circumstances or seasons. 

Pack Sizes and Days Supply

1.4 kg pouch (23 days supply) available for $69.95 which is $3.04 cost per dose.

4 kg bucket (66 days supply) available for $179.95 which is $2.73 cost per dose.

10 kg bucket (166 days supply) available from your local stockist at RRP $399.95 which is $2.41 cost per dose.


** Days supply is calculated from the 60 gram dose which is suitable for horses (500 kg body weight) for maintenance. Prices are Recommended Retail Price (RRP) including GST (Australian Dollars). Prices may vary between different retailers.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why are only some horses affected by mycotoxins?

Our extensive research has shown that horses in the same paddock may have a different level of sensitivity to mycotoxins in their environment.  Some may display serious symptoms that can be classified as mycotoxicosis, and others may have mild or even no symptoms.  Different paddocks may also have a variable load of mycotoxins in the grass species present. 

Poorly drained pastures or those following extended periods of rain, especially in more tropical climates, are likely to have a higher risk of mould contamination. 

Will Tox-Target bind Feed Nutrients?

Tox Target has been designed for specificity to bind only mycotoxins, not medications or feed nutrients.  Tox-Target was extensively tested as safe and effective for horses, even at high daily supplementation rates and long term usage.  The mycotoxin binders in Tox-Target are carefully chosen and include specially refined mineral binders that increase the specificity of binding capacity, so that only mycotoxins are targeted.  Tox-Target does not swab or negatively affect behaviour or performance. 

Can I feed Tox-Target long term?

Mycotoxin binders are not absorbed by the horse, they simply pass through the digestive system, binding up any mycotoxins and then passing out through to the manure.  Therefore, overdosing is not really possible, although we do recommend not combining competitor mycotoxin binders with Tox-Target because our supplement is already a highly concentrated formula of multiple binders.  Kohnke’s Own FABBY includes some of the same mycotoxin binders, as well as many other helpful ingredients for the digestive system, and is compatible with Tox Target when mycotoxins have a role in digestive upset, scouring or poor condition. 

Tox-Target can be fed long term at the higher daily rate during seasonal periods that mycotoxins are a major problem in the grass, stored hay or grain. Some horses may require supplementation with the higher level of Tox-Target long term if they are very sensitive to mycotoxins in their environment. 

Do I only need to feed Tox-Target seasonally?

Tox-Target does not need to be fed all the time in horses which only experience mycotoxin problems in high risk periods and seasons where hot, wet and damp conditions facilitate an increase in the mycotoxins in the pasture.  The growth of different types of grasses throughout the year can also change the types and load of mycotoxins in the pasture. 

In our extensive research trial, some trial participants stopped feeding their horses Tox-Target during low mycotoxin risk periods.  We found that as soon as mycotoxins because a problem again, they were able to restart Tox-Target supplementation with almost immediate results in reducing the problems that mycotoxin ingestion caused their horses. 

However, some horses were so sensitive to mycotoxins that they needed to be fed Tox-Target all year and would regress to show symptoms of mycotoxicosis again within a short time once the supplement was not fed each day. In these horses, restarting supplementation showed significant improvement within 2-3 days. 

What is the difference between FABBY® and Tox-Target?

Kohnke’s Own FABBY is our comprehensive digestive supplement for gut health.  This supplement includes live probiotics, prebiotics, hindgut activators, active yeast components, and mycotoxin binders.  The 3 different binders in FABBY constitute a broad-spectrum approach, but are at a concentration designed for ‘moderate level’ binding capacity.

Tox-Target has 5 different mycotoxin binders in a concentrated formula with an ‘ultra high level’ binding capacity in comparison to FABBY.  Tox-Target has been extensively trialled on horses which have had exposure to mycotoxins which have caused symptoms of mycotoxicosis.  In many cases, prolonged exposure to mycotoxins has been associated with many health problems, thus Tox-Target includes liver detoxifying nutrients.

Tox-Target does not include the other many gut health nutrients or digestive enhancers in FABBY, it is formulated specifically for horses with mycotoxicosis and related needs for liver detoxification nutrients.

FABBY is suitable for all horses for digestive health with multiple benefits, including addressing general mycotoxin concerns but have not caused noticeable symptoms.  If you suspect signs of mycotoxicosis or visible or prolonged symptoms of grass-affected allergies that are related to mycotoxins, you should consider supplementation with Tox-Target.

FABBY and Tox-Target are compatible if a horse requires the gut health support of FABBY, as well as a boost from the higher level of mycotoxin binding capacity in Tox-Target.  In cases where FABBY and Tox-Target are fed together, you may choose to reduce the dose of Tox-Target by ¼ scoop for each supplementation rate.  For example, on the initial or high mycotoxin load rate, you can feed 1.75 scoops to a horse, and on the maintenance rate, you can feed ¾ scoop, when in combination with 1 – 2 scoops (LARGE END) of FABBY.


How can I tell if my horse is ingesting mycotoxins?

It can be very hard to tell from the look of the grain, hay or grass if it is contaminated with mycotoxins that would cause a problem in your horse.  Some hay may be mouldy, but have no mycotoxins (do not feed mouldy hay in any circumstances).  Other hay or grain may look mould-free, but has a high concentration of mycotoxins. 

There are some grasses and pasture types that are known to be at a high risk of dangerous mycotoxins, these include black paspalum (ergot mycotoxins), ryegrass, tall fescue, clovers, capeweed and other grasses that grow in hot, wet or damp climates, particularly after seasonal variations. 

What is the best way to feed Tox-Target?

As a pelleted supplement with a palatable vanilla flavour, Tox-Target is easy to mix into the daily feed (wet or dry).

TOX TARGET contains a special fibre source which may help to lengthen the activity of the mycotoxin binders in the digestive system.  The ratio of indigestible fibre in the pellet may increase the dwell time of the supplement so that as many mycotoxins are bound as possible, even when the horse is grazing 24/7. 

However, it is still important to split the daily addition of Tox-Target between the morning and evening feeds to prolong the full daily activity of the supplement in grazing horses.  This is especially important when following the initial supplementation guide seasonally in high mycotoxin risk periods.

Should I feed Tox Target to all my horses?

Our research indicated that not all horses appear sensitive to mycotoxins, even when grazing together or consuming pastures and feeds that are contaminated with mycotoxins.  Of course, this is influenced by the type and severity of the mycotoxin load and degree of contamination on pastures, grains or hays. 

Mycotoxin sensitivity is also related to a horse’s age, with older horses more likely to develop mycotoxin associated liver depression.  A horse’s level of stress, appetite or exercise level may also influence their reaction to mycotoxins.  As some mycotoxicosis-related symptoms make it particularly difficult to ride or exercise a horse (ie random spookiness, headshaking, sensitivity to touch), only those in regular work may be visibly reactive to mycotoxin load in the pastures. 

Chances are that if one or two horses in a group develop symptoms which may be mycotoxin-related, especially during high seasonal risk periods, it is probable that all horses in the same group could be affected to varying degrees. 

We recommend that all horses in a group that may be affected by mycotoxins should be supplemented with Tox-Target for approx. 6 weeks to help health and liver function whilst mycotoxins could be present.  Afterwards, supplementation can be stopped for horses which show no symptoms and continued for those which show visible mycotoxicosis problems. 

Can Tox-Target prevent mycotoxin-related problems?

Yes, Tox-Target can be used to prevent mycotoxins from being absorbed by your horse if they are ingesting grass, grain, feed and hays that are suspected to be contaminated with mycotoxins.  This is due to the high capacity binders in Tox-Target which target a broad range of different mycotoxins that may otherwise negatively affect your horse’s health and vitality. 

Although Tox-Target can be provided to any horse, it is important to note that Kohnke’s Own produce two products with mycotoxin binders.  Kohnke’s Own FABBY is a multi-action digestive supplement with live yeast and microbial probiotics, prebiotics and other ingredients linked to gut health and hindgut function.  As such, FABBY contains a ‘moderate level’ toxin-binding capacity from multiple mycotoxin binders for general health and wellbeing of horses that may have some low load of mycotoxins from feeds, grains or hays.  It can be used as supplement when horse owners would like the benefits of toxin binders as well as all the other benefits of FABBY, in an economical cost-per-dose.

Tox-Target has been extensively researched in horses which had visible mycotoxin-related problems.  It can be compared to FABBY in terms that Tox-Target has an ‘ultra-high level’ binding capacity with even more types of mycotoxin binders.  However, it doesn’t contain the functional digestive enhancers provided in FABBY. 

Therefore, we recommend that you can feed FABBY as a general preventative, and if you believe your horse is showing symptoms of mycotoxin-related problems, or if your horse is kept in a region known to have mycotoxins in the pastures, then you should choose to feed Tox-Target. 

Random Spookiness due to Mycotoxins?

One major finding from our extensive research field trial into mycotoxin problems in horses was that some horses ingesting mycotoxins showed a strange, unexplained and random spookiness.  This kind of reaction was disproportionate to the stimulus and occurred only occasionally.  For example, a horse ridden in an arena could pass a pot plant 10 times, but on the 11th time might spook at it. Many horse owners with horses grazing known mycotoxin-infested pastures reported this behaviour, even though the horse did not have a naturally anxious or nervous disposition. 

In these cases, Tox-Target showed a good effect in reducing the randomness of this unexplained and overreactive behaviour.  Some horses in this sub-study also combined Tox-Target supplementation with our calmer, Kohnke’s Own Mag-E.  Our theory was that mycotoxins can irritate nerves and thus Mag-E is well-known to help nerve and muscle function to maintain a calmer and less reactive horse.  In these cases, horse owners were very happy with the results from the combined supplementation with Mag-E and Tox-Target. 

Does Tox-Target Prevent Stringhalt?

Horses consuming flatweed often develop Pasture-Associated Stringhalt due to toxins that damage nerve coatings in the hind legs.  Stringhalt is a term used to describe the involuntary and exaggerated upward flexion or ‘puppet-like’ action in one or both hind legs as a horse walks, often starting as a slight incoordination in gait and developing into a ‘goose-stepping’ movement in severe cases, making it difficult for the horse to walk, graze or exercise.

Many horse owners believe that the toxins that cause the nerve damage associated with Stringhalt are due to mycotoxins on the flatweed plant, but research at Massey University in New Zealand has been published that suggest the toxin causing Australian Stringhalt is produced by the Flatweed plant itself, rather than being produced by a mould, fungus or other source.  Therefore, mycotoxin binders are not able to prevent Stringhalt if your horse is grazing on flatweed-infested pastures. 

It is highly recommended to remove the flatweed from paddocks where horses are grazing, and particularly to remove horses from access to flatweed if they begin to show symptoms of Stringhalt.

In our extensive research field trial when developing Tox-Target, we carried out a small study on horses which had developed Stringhalt.  Our theory was that Stringhalt nerve damage may be exacerbated in horses consuming mycotoxins.  Mycotoxins may irritate nerves that have been damaged by the flatweed toxin, causing an increase the severity of Stringhalt symptoms, which slowing recovery over an extended time.  

Kohnke’s Own Mag-E, our calmer for nerves and muscles, at high doses for 4-6 weeks has been reported previously to be helpful for horses which have developed Stringhalt.  Owners with horses that had recently contracted Stringhalt (n=5) reported that the combination of Tox-Target and Mag-E had good synergy in further reducing the erratic nerve impulses that cause the ‘goose-stepping’ action of Stringhalt.

However, horses that had suffered from Stringhalt for a longer period before intervention (n=8) did not improve with Tox-Target supplementation, although Mag-E alone was helpful in some cases. 

Is Tox Target compatible with other supplements

Tox-Target is a specific mycotoxin binder designed to add into any diet without incompatibilities.  Tox-Target only contains mycotoxin binders, selected vitamins, prebiotics and other functional nutrients to assist in liver detoxification processes after mycotoxin ingestion.  It does not contain all the vitamins, minerals and trace-minerals required daily by horses, so it should be added to a balanced diet that is suited to the horse’s needs and other health concerns. 

Tox-Target can be combined with all other Kohnke’s Own supplements, including vitamin and mineral supplements such as Cell-Vital, as well as specific formulations for common problems, such as Mag-E, Gastro-Coat, Redi-Flex and FABBY. 

Does Tox-Target Swab?

Tox-Target does not swab or negatively affect behaviour or performance. 

Marty is a very sensitive horse and as a chestnut with 4 white socks, he often had severe greasy heel and scabbing.  It could even progress to bleeding from the coronet bands and cellulitis when his allergies flared up.  I found TOX-TARGET helped immensely.  He has not had a flare up in months and his scabs have completely cleared up which has meant he has stayed sound all winter for riding. A first for us.  As a pellet, TOX-TARGET was very easy to feed to my fussy horse, and I am incredibly happy with the results. 

Erin M, VIC  

Testimonial Erin M, VIC

Marty is a very sensitive horse and as a chestnut with 4 white socks, he often had severe greasy heel and scabbing.  It could even progress to bleeding from the coronet bands and cellulitis when his allergies flared up.  I found TOX-TARGET helped immensely.  He has not had a flare up in months and his scabs have completely cleared up which has meant he has stayed sound all winter for riding. A first for us.  As a pellet, TOX-TARGET was very easy to feed to my fussy horse, and I am incredibly happy with the results.

Testimonial for FABBY

My mare suffers from grass sensitivity in Spring and Autumn, just like many other horses in my local area.  She can be randomly spooky and over-reactive, get swollen legs and skin problems.  When I started feeding TOX-TARGET, she improved within a week.  If I stopped the supplement, her issues returned.  I was happy that TOX-TARGET reduced my horse’s grass sensitivities and I recommend it.” 

Alex B, VIC

Testimonial Alex B, VIC

My mare suffers from grass sensitivity in Spring and Autumn, just like many other horses in my local area.  She can be randomly spooky and over-reactive, get swollen legs and skin problems.  When I started feeding TOX-TARGET, she improved within a week.  If I stopped the supplement, her issues returned.  I was happy that TOX-TARGET reduced my horse’s grass sensitivities and I recommend it.

Testimonial for FABBY
Testimonial for FABBY

“When I started my two horses on the TOX-TARGET trial, the results were outstanding.  My horse with severe ryegrass staggers was previously unrideable but quickly improved to the extent that his symptoms disappeared and he could return to ridden work.  My other boy with erratic behaviour also had noticeable improvements, becoming much more relaxed and consistent under saddle. I was extremely impressed with the results, especially since I had used other toxin binders before without much success.  I highly recommend TOX-TARGET for horses with ryegrass staggers and allergies caused by grass mycotoxins.”

Jess D, VIC

Testimonial Jess D, VIC

When I started my two horses on the TOX-TARGET trial, the results were outstanding.  My horse with severe ryegrass staggers was previously unrideable but quickly improved to the extent that his symptoms disappeared and he could return to ridden work.  My other boy with erratic behaviour also had noticeable improvements, becoming much more relaxed and consistent under saddle. I was extremely impressed with the results, especially since I had used other toxin binders before without much success.  I highly recommend TOX-TARGET for horses with ryegrass staggers and allergies caused by grass mycotoxins.


I was searching for a toxin binder for my two horses and luckily I came across Kohnke’s Own research trial.  Tox Target made a big difference to both my horses and I highly recommend it to anyone that is having problem with mycotoxins affecting their horses. 

Tux had severe itch and a problem with random spookiness – he would be working well and then suddenly shy or take off with me.  He is much happier on Tox Target, his behaviour has improved dramatically and I can now ride him with confidence.  His itch reduced significantly, and on Kohnke’s advice I recently started him on Energy Gold oil as well, which in combination with Tox Target, fixed his skin problems completely.

Squeak has major tummy problems as well as swollen lymph nodes and severe mud fever that I couldn’t clear up.  On Tox Target all these issues disappeared and she was much healthier even when on full grass access.  Within a week or two off the supplement, I noticed that the symptoms of mycotoxin problems began to come back.  When I restarted feeding Tox Target, she improved again so I know that the supplement is really working. 

Dianne G, QLD 

Testimonial Dianne G, QLD

I was searching for a toxin binder for my two horses and luckily I came across Kohnke’s Own research trial.  Tox Target made a big difference to both my horses and I highly recommend it to anyone that is having problem with mycotoxins affecting their horses. 

Tux had severe itch and a problem with random spookiness – he would be working well and then suddenly shy or take off with me.  He is much happier on Tox Target, his behaviour has improved dramatically and I can now ride him with confidence.  His itch reduced significantly, and on Kohnke’s advice I recently started him on Energy Gold oil as well, which in combination with Tox Target, fixed his skin problems completely.

Squeak has major tummy problems as well as swollen lymph nodes and severe mud fever that I couldn’t clear up.  On Tox Target all these issues disappeared and she was much healthier even when on full grass access.  Within a week or two off the supplement, I noticed that the symptoms of mycotoxin problems began to come back.  When I restarted feeding Tox Target, she improved again so I know that the supplement is really working. 

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